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Page 315
program size complexity, 23
program synthesis, 48
programming system, 19, 264
projection functions, 18
prudent identification, 98
Pullum, G., 38
Putnam, H., 4, 38
Quinlan, J., 113
r.e. extendible, 99
r.e. index set, 94
r.e. indexable, 94, 117
r.e. sets, 18
rationality, 11, 37
rearrangement independence identification, 100
RecLang identification, 183
RecTxtExa identification, 182
recursion theorems
k-ary recursion theorem, 22
Kleene's recursion theorem, 21
operator recursion theorem, 23
recursive function, 15
recursive functional, 19
recurssive language, 18
recursive operator, 19
recursive reliable identification, 118
recursive text, 182
recursively enumerable languages, 18
recursively enumerable set, 15
relative density, 240
reliable identification, 58, 106, 118
robust identification, 282
Rogers, H., 15, 16, 87, 94, 101, 123, 204, 205
Royer, J., 18, 121, 163, 261
Rudin, W., 152, 156
Russell, B., 3, 4
s-m-n theorem, 20
Sakakibara, Y., 85
Sankoff, G., 82
scattered set, 164
Schäfer-Richter, G., 100, 102, 119, 120, 189, 276
Schieffelin, B., 32
Schneiderman, M., 32
oracle, 252
parameterized, 76
totality, 68-69, 92
with k streams, 185
with additional information, 232, 241
within the function identification paradigm, 51
within the language identification paradigm, 33
with additional information, 223
self-monitoring, 39
set driven identification, 99
Seth, A., 261
Shapiro, E., 48, 113
Sharma, A., 121, 149, 188, 189, 217-219, 230, 243-245, 259, 275-277
Shinohara, A., 85
Shinohara, T., 85
Shoenfield, J., 87
 s -algebra, 203
Simon, H., 4, 61
single-valued language, 18
single-valued total language, 18
Slaman, T., 254, 256, 259, 260
Smith, C., 118, 128, 129, 131-133, 135, 136, 144-146, 163, 198, 199, 212, 213, 217, 219, 220, 259, 262, 263, 267, 275-278, 287
Smullyan, R., 22

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