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Page 21
0021-001.gif; input (b)
Thus, x is treated as a datum which s stores in the "text" of the program p. This may seem a very innocuous property, but is in fact extremely powerful. For example, one can characterize the acceptable programming systems as exactly those programming systems for which the s-m-n theorem holds. The s-m-n theorem will be a key tool in the technical work of this book. Here is a simple application that establishes another property of acceptable programming systems.
2.2 Lemma There is a one-one, strictly increasing, recursive function 0021-002.gif such that, for all p and x,
Thus, p, pad(p, 0), pad(p, 1), . . . is an infinite, strictly increasing sequence of programs for  j p.
Proof: Suppose i is a  j -program such that, for all p, x, and y,  j  (p, x, y) =  j  (y). (Since 0021-004.gif is partial recursive, such an i must exist.) Define 0021-005.gif. By Theorem 2.1 pad is one-one, strictly increasing, and, for all p, x, and y,
Thus, pad(·, ·) is as required.
Recursion Theorems.
Another important property satisfied by acceptable programming systems is Kleene's recursion theorem. This theorem provides us with the means to construct programs that self-referentially refer to their own program text. Here is the theorem's formal statement.
2.3 Theorem (Kleene's Recursion Theorem) For each partial recursive  y  there is a  j -index e such that, for all x,
Moreover, one can uniformly, effectively find such an e. That is, there is a recursive function r such that, for each p, 0021-008.gif.

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