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Consider the  j -program e in (2.1). Intuitively, this program, on input x, creates a (quiescent) copy of its own "program text" and then uses that "text" together with x as input on which to emulate p. In effect, e creates a self-model which it uses together with its input as input to an emulation of p; e can be thought of as "having" (or more properly, creating) self-knowledge which it employs in a computation of  y ;  y  represents the use to which e puts its self-knowledge.
Proof (of Theorem 2.3): Let d be a  j -index be such that, for all x and y, 0022-001.gif. Hence,
Let 0022-003.gif. Note that
Therefore, e is as required. See Exercise 2-1 for the proof of the moreover clause.
The recursion theorem is among our most important technical tools. Here is a simple application of Theorem 2.3 that we will have occasion to use later.
2.4 Lemma There exists a  j -index e such that, for all y,  j e(y)= e, i.e., for all inputs, e outputs its own program.
Proof: Let 0022-005.gif. Clearly,  y  is recursive. Hence, by the recursion theorem there is an e such that, for all y,  j e(y) =  j (e, y) = e.
On occasion we will have recourse to use two strengthenings of the recursion theorem: the k-ary recursion theorem (k > 0) and the operator recursion theorem. The k-ary recursion theorem permits us to construct sets of k distinct programs, each of which may refer to its own and any of its k - 1 many sibling's program text. The operator recursion theorem is, intuitively, an infinitary version of the k-ary theorem. The formal statements of these theorems are given just below. The proof of Theorem 2.5 is left to Exercise 2-7.
2.5 Theorem (The k-ary Recursion Theorem, Smullyan [181]) For each 0022-006.gif, 0022-007.gif and 0022-008.gif, there are recursive functions r1, . . ., rk such that, for all 0022-009.gif, 0022-010.gif, and 0022-011.gif, we have:

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