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Page 314
memory-limited scientist (continued)
the language identification case, 45
Image-3220.gif identification, 279
Meyer, L., 219
mind change, 35, 262
Minicozzi, E., 58, 106, 118, 121
minimal identification, 268
Min Y  identification, 278
MIS, 113
Miyano, S., 85
monotonic identification, 109
monotonicity of a functional, 19
Motoki, T., 85
Muggleton, S., 108
Mukouchi, Y., 275
Image-3221.gif identification, 185
Image-3222.gif identification, 185
Image-3223.gif identification, 185
multiple texts, 184, 185
N*Lang identification, 190
n-memory limited, 57
n-mute, 39
n-variants of functions, 17
n-variants of sets, 16
NaExb identification, 170
natural number, 15
NaTxtExb identification, 169
nearly minimal identification, 273
negative information, 31, 32
Newport, E., 32, 82
Ngo-Manguelle, S., 117, 121, 275
noisy text, 168, 169
noncomputable scientists, 33, 34, 51, 65
nonexcessive identification, 122
NonrecLang identification, 184
NonrecTxtEx identification, 184
nonrecursive text, 182
nontrivial identification, 122
nonunion theorem, 71, 197
Oexa identification, 146
omniscient oracle, 253
operator, 19
oracle, 25
oracle scientist, 252
OA,bEx identification, 256
OAEx identification, 252
OATxtEx identification, 257
order independence identification, 101
Osherson, D., 4, 9, 30, 34, 75, 79, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, 189, 198, 219
Ott, M., 259
padding lemma, 21
pairing function, 18
Papadimitriou, C., 15
paradigms, 5
parameterized scientist, 76
partial recursive function, 15
path in a computation tree, 207
Peirce, C. S., 165
percent identification, 56
performability, 77
Pinker, S., 3, 4, 30, 32
Pitt, L., 202, 205-214, 217, 219, 220
Pleszkoch, M., 252, 254, 256, 259, 260
Podnieks, K., 136, 145, 163
point of convergence, 162
Popper, K., 117
Popperian identification, 117
positive integers, 15
Post, K., 32
probabilistic scientist, 201
nice, 206
probability measure, 203
ProbpEx identification, 206
ProbpTxtEx identification, 214

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