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Page 207
Phase a: Receive an element of the graph of f.
Phase b: Issue an hypothesis.
Phase c: Flip the coin.
9.18 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150]) Let P be a probabilistic scientist. Then there exists a nice P' such that, for each 0207-001.gif, 0207-002.gif.
§9.4.3 Infinite Computation Trees
Let P be a nice probabilistic scientist and let 0207-003.gif be given. The infinite computation tree for P on f, denoted 0207-004.gif, is a record of P's behavior on all possible 2-ary oracles when P is fed the graph of f in canonical order. We describe 0207-005.gif and its relation to probabilistic Ex-identification in this subsection.
Convention: Throughout this subsection we will keep P and f fixed. All terminology and notation will be understood to be relative to the choice of particular P and f. When we use these terms and notation in later sections, the particular P and f we have in mind will always be understood.
0207-006.gif is an infinite complete binary tree. Each node of 0207-007.gif is labeled with an element of 0207-008.gif. The root of 0207-009.gif is labeled with 0207-010.gif (the empty sequence) and, if a. node of 0207-011.gif is labeled with  r , then the node's left child is labeled 0207-012.gif and its right child is labeled 0207-013.gif. A node with label  r  represents the state of P just after phase b of round 0207-014.gif when P is fed the graph of f in canonical order and receives  r  as the result of its first 0207-015.gif coin flips; guess( r ) denotes the hypothesis issued by P in phase b of this round. We identify nodes with their labels so that when we speak of node  r  we mean the node in 0207-016.gif with label  r . The depth of node  r  is simply 0207-017.gif. Hence, the depth of the root is 0.
A path 0207-018.gif in 0207-019.gif is an infinite sequence of nodes 0207-020.gif, 0207-021.gif, 0207-022.gif, . . . , such that, for each i, 0207-023.gif and 0207-024.gifextends 0207-025.gif. (That is, 0207-026.gif is the root and 0207-027.gif occurs at depth i in the tree and is the parent of node 0207-028.gif.) 0207-029.gif will range over paths in 0207-030.gif. There is an obvious one-to-one correspondence between paths and 2-ary oracles. By convention, when we speak of the measure of a set of paths, we will mean the measure of the corresponding set of oracles. The next definition introduces the path analog of the 0207-031.gif.
9.19 Definition For each node  r  of 0207-032.gif, 0207-033.gif denotes 0207-034.gif
It is obvious that 0207-035.gif corresponds to 0207-036.gif, and, hence, 0207-037.gif The measurable sets 0207-038.gif will be used in computing probabilities of more interesting collections of

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