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Page 208
paths. To help talk about these more interesting collections, the next definition describes what it means for a path in 0208-001.gif to converge and introduces some terminology about convergence of paths.
9.20 Definition
(a) We say that 0208-002.gif converges to j just in case, for all but finitely many i, 0208-003.gif.
(b) We say that 0208-004.gif converges at node  r  just in case, for 0208-005.gif, 0208-006.gif and k is the least number such that for all 0208-007.gif, 0208-008.gif.
(c) For each  r , C r  denotes 0208-009.gif.
(d) We say that a path 0208-010.gif k-agrees with C r  just in case:
(i) 0208-011.gif and 0208-012.gif,
(ii) 0208-013.gif, . . . , k, 0208-014.gif, and
(iii) 0208-015.gif or 0208-016.gif.
(e) For each  r  and each 0208-017.gif, C r ,k denotes 0208-018.gif.
(f) For each 0208-019.gif, C(A) denotes 0208-020.gif.
It follows from Lemma 9.11 that all of the C r 's, C r k's, and C(A)'s are measurable. We shall be interested in computing pr(C(A)) for particular sets A, and the C r 's and C r k,'s will be our avenue for doing this. The next lemma summarizes the relationship between the C(A)'s and C r 's and states some elementary properties of the C r 's and C r ,k,'s. We leave its proof to the reader.
9.21 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150]) Fix  r  and k with 0208-021.gif. Then:
(a) For each 0208-022.gif, 0208-023.gif.
(b) For each  r  and 0208-024.gif 0208-025.gif and 0208-026.gif.
(c) For each  r  0208-027.gif C r ,k and 0208-028.gif.
(d) For distinct  r  and  r ', 0208-029.gif.
Fix an A and let 0208-030.gif. It follows from the above lemma that C(A) is the disjoint union of the members of C, and hence 0208-031.gif. The probability of C r , in turn, is the monotone decreasing limit of 0208-032.gif The next lemma shows how to compute the probabilities of the C r k's.

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