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Page 209
9.22 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150]) Suppose 0209-001.gif and Np,k denotes 0209-002.gif. Then,
(a) 0209-003.gif, and
(b) pr(C r k) can be computed by looking at only the first k + 1 levels of 0209-004.gif.
Proof: We first argue
Claim: C r k is the disjoint union of members of 0209-005.gif.
Proof of the Claim: For distinct  r 0 and  r 1 in N r ,k, 0209-006.gif and 0209-007.gif are disjoint because both nodes  r 0 and  r 1 are at depth k and, since they are distinct, no path can pass through both.
Suppose 0209-008.gif. Then, 0209-009.gif passes through some 0209-010.gif, and hence 0209-011.gif.
Suppose 0209-012.gif. Since the definition of N r k does not depend on nodes deeper than level k + 1, all paths passing through 0209-013.gif must be in C r ,k. Hence, 0209-014.gif.
The claim thus follows.
Therefore, by the claim and the countable additivity of pr we have
and so, part (a) follows.
It is easy to see that N r ,k can be effectively determined by observing only the first k + 1 levels of 0209-016.gif. Thus, part (b) follows from part (a).
We now present a lemma that is crucial to the proof of the main result of this section.
9.23 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150])Suppose 0209-017.gif and 0209-018.gif. Then, there is a finite collection of nodes { r 0, . . .,  r k} such that 0209-019.gif, for each 0209-020.gif, and 0209-021.gif.
Proof: Let 0209-022.gif. By Lemma 9.21 we have, for all 0209-023.gif,
Now, if the sum of infinitely many nonnegative quantities is > p, then there is a finite subcollection of these that sum up to some number > p. Therefore, there is a finite 0209-025.gif such that { r 0, . . .,  r k} are as required.

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