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Page 210
§9.4.4 The Key Correspondence
We are now in a position to prove
9.24 Proposition (Pitt [149, 150]) For each 0210-001.gif and 0210-002.gif, 0210-003.gif.
This proposition immediately follows from the next proposition and the fact that FOex = Ex (see Exercise 6-7 in Chapter 6).
9.25 Proposition (Pitt [149, 150])Let p > 1/(n + 1) and 0210-004.gif. Then, there are M1, M2, . . ., Mn such that 0210-005.gif.
Proof: Let P be a probabilistic scientist such that 0210-006.gif.
We construct from P a team of n deterministic scientists M1, M2, . . ., Mn as follows. (Note: We use the usual ordering on 0210-007.gif below.)
Begin ( Mi( s ), with 0210-008.gif )
Construct 0210-009.gif, the first k + 1 levels of 0210-010.gif, by simulating P with input
 s  and all 2-ary sequences of length k.
For each node
 r  in 0210-011.gif, compute pr(C r ,k).
 r k be the least node in 0210-012.gif, if any, such that 0210-013.gif.
 r k is found,
then output the canonical index of {0210-014.gif}
else output 0
End (Mi( s ))
Notation: Let goodf denote the collection of all  j -indices for f, i.e., 0210-015.gif. Then, C(goodf) is the collection of all paths (oracles) that result in successful Ex-identification of f by P. Hence, pr(P Ex-identifies f) = pr(C(goodf)).
Now, 0210-016.gif implies that 0210-017.gif. Recall that C(N) is the collection of all converging paths in 0210-018.gif. Hence, 0210-019.gif and 0210-020.gif. Since 0210-021.gif, there exists an 0210-022.gif such that 0210-023.gif.
We argue that the scientist Mm FOex-identifies f. Let us focus on the behavior of Mm on f[k]. Mm correctly assumes that the probability of converging paths in 0210-024.gif is greater than m/(n + 1) and attempts to find, in the limit, a finite collection

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