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of nodes where most paths converge. To this end, Mm first finds the smallest  r k such that 0211-001.gif and then outputs the canonical index for the finite set 0211-002.gif.
Now, by Lemma 9.23, there exists a collection of nodes { r 0, . . . ,  r v} in 0211-003.gif such that 0211-004.gif. This implies that there exists a smallest numbered node  r * such that 0211-005.gif, for all k > depth(j). (Choosing any 0211-006.gif satisfies the inequality.)
The result follows from the following claim.
9.26 Claim
(a) For all but finitely many k,  r k =  r *.
(b) 0211-007.gif contains a  j -index for f.
We can deduce the proposition from the claim as follows. Since Mm, fed f[k], outputs the canonical index for the finite set 0211-008.gif, (a) implies that Mm converges to the canonical index for 0211-009.gif. Moreover, according to (b), 0211-010.gif contains a  j -index for f, thereby implying that Mm FOex-identifies f. We now prove the claim.
Part (a). It is easy to verify that part (a) follows from the choice of  r *.
Part (b). Since goodf is the set of all  j -indexes for f, (N- goodf) is the collection of all such  j -indexes that are not for f. Now, observe that since C(goodf) and C(N - goodf) are disjoint, pr(C(N)) = pr(C(goodf)) + pr(C(N - goodf)). We also know by the hypothesis of the proposition and the choice of m that 0211-011.gif and pr(C(goodf)) > 1/(n + 1). Thus, pr(C(N - goodf)) < m/(n + 1).
Let I denote the set 0211-012.gif. Observe that 0211-013.gif. Therefore, at least one element in I must be a correct  j -index for f, because otherwise 0211-014.gif, 0211-015.gif, and 0211-016.gif, a contradiction. Hence, I contains a  j -index for f.
This completes the proof of the proposition.
As an immediate corollary to Propositions 9.16 and 9.24, we have the following:
9.27 Corollary (Pitt [149, 150]) For each 0211-017.gif, 0211-018.gif.
The above corollary, together with Corollary 9.6 implies the following:
9.28 Corollary (Pitt [149, 150]) For each 0211-019.gif, 0211-020.gif.

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