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Page 57
3-12 For each 0057-001.gif and each 0057-002.gif, define 0057-003.gif. For each 0057-004.gif define a collection of languages 0057-005.gif by:
Show that for every 0057-007.gif, 0057-008.gif is identifiable.
3-13 We define a generalization of the concept of memory limitation.
3.55 Definition Let 0057-009.gif be given.
(a) The result of removing the last n members of  s  is denoted by 0057-010.gif; if 0057-011.gif, then 0057-012.gif.
(b) The finite sequence consisting of the last n members of 0057-013.gif is denoted by  s last n; if 0057-014.gif then  s last n =  s .
(c) Scientist F is n-memory limited just in case for all  s , 0057-015.gif, if 0057-016.gif and 0057-017.gif, then 0057-018.gif.
Thus, memory limitation corresponds to 1-memory limitation. Show that for all 0057-019.gif and 0057-020.gif, some n-memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0707.gif if and only if some 1-memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0708.gif. Hint: Use the "padding function" described in Chapter 2.
3-14 The present exercise concerns another generalization of memory-limitation.
3.56 Definition A scientist 0057-021.gif is called weakly memory limited just in case there is a function 0057-022.gif with the following properties. For all  s , 0057-023.gif,
(a) 0057-024.gif
(b) 0057-025.gif
(c) 0057-026.gif
Intuitively, F can remember any single previous datum of her choice. Clause (b) means that F can change the contents of her memory only by storing the datum currently in view. F is memory-limited in the sense that a given conjecture depends only on (a) the one datum she remembers, (b) the datum currently under examination, and (c) her latest conjecture.

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