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Page 58
(a) Exhibit 0058-001.gif such that:
(i) Image-0709.gif is identifiable; but
(ii) no weakly memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0710.gif.
(b) Exhibit 0058-002.gif such that:
(i) some weakly memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0711.gif; but
(ii) no memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0712.gif.
3-15 Prove that 0058-003.gif is identifiable if and only if Image-0713.gif is identifiable on fat texts.
3-16 A text is called ''lean" just in case it never repeats a number. Prove that 0058-004.gif is identifiable if and only if Image-0714.gif is identifiable on lean text.
3-17 (Advanced) Prove Proposition 3.37.
3-18 Text T is called "ascending" just in case for all n, 0058-005.gif, if 0058-006.gif and 0058-007.gif and 0058-008.gif, then 0058-009.gif. 0058-010.gif is identifiable on ascending text just in case some scientist F identifies every ascending text for every 0058-011.gif. Prove:
(a) There is 0058-012.gif such that:
(i) Image-0715.gif is not identifiable, but
(ii) Image-0716.gif is identifiable on ascending text.
(b) There is 0058-013.gif such that Image-0717.gif is not identifiable on ascending text.
3-19 Text T is called "strictly ascending" just in case # does not occur in T, and for all n, 0058-014.gif, if n < m, then T(n) < T(m). Show that 0058-015.gifis identifiable on strictly ascending text.
3-20 Let us see what happens if we tighten our success criterion by requiring that scientists never converge to an incorrect. index.
3.57 Definition (Minicozzi [132]) Let scientist F and 0058-016.gif be given. F identifies Image-0718.gif reliably just in case:
(a) F identifies Image-0719.gif;
(b) for all texts T, if F converges on T to 0058-017.gif, then content(T) = Wi.
In this case, Image-0720.gif is reliably identifiable.

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