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Page 220
9-2 This exercise establishes that the tradeoff established in Exercise 9-1 is optimal. For each r, 0220-001.gif, define
Show the following:
(a) for all k, 0220-003.gif, where 0220-004.gif.
(b) 0220-005.gif. Hint: Use a priority construction.
9-3 Show that 0220-006.gif if and only if (i) 0220-007.gif and (ii) b = * or 0220-008.gif.
9-4 Show that: 0220-009.gif.
9-5 (Pitt [149, 150]) Adapt the definition of ProbpEx to incorporate anomalies in the final program. Then establish the following analog of Corollary 9.29: For all 0220-010.gif, 0220-011.gif, and 0220-012.gif, 0220-013.gif.
9-6 (Pitt and Smith [151]) Establish the following analog of Proposition 9.33: For all 0220-014.gif and all m, 0220-015.gif with 0220-016.gif, 0220-017.gif.
9-7 Prove: For all j, 0220-018.gif with 0220-019.gif and 0220-020.gif, 0220-021.gif. Observe that this result implies that, for all j, 0220-022.gif with 0220-023.gif, 0220-024.gif.
9-8 Complete the proof of Proposition 9.36.
9-9 Prove: For all j > 0 and 0220-025.gif, 0220-026.gif. Observe that this result implies that, for all j > 0, 0220-027.gif.
9-10 Prove: For all i,0220-028.gif, 0220-029.gif. Observe that this result implies that, for j, 0220-030.gif.

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