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Page 113
We also define 0113-001.gif.
It is easy to verify that 0113-002.gif.
We next show that 0113-003.gif Consider any scientist M that identifies Image-1213.gif Let  s  be such that 0113-004.gif, for some 0113-005.gif and WM( s ) = L1. (Note that there exists such a  s , since M identifies L1.)
Let 0113-006.gif be such that 0113-007.gif, for some n > m, and 0113-008.gif. (Note that there exists such a  s ' since M identifies 0113-009.gif.)
Let 0113-010.gif be such that 0113-011.gif and 0113-012.gif (Note that there exists such a  s '', since M' identifies 0113-013.gif.)
We finally claim that M fails to be monotonic while identifying 0113-014.gif. To see this it is sufficient to observe that 0113-015.gif but 0113-016.gif.
§5.5.3 Specialization Strategies
Generalization strategies improve upon their successive conjectures by emitting indexes for larger and larger languages. Alternatively, a scientist can begin with an index for a language larger than the target language and then "cut down" her hypotheses to converge to an index for the target language. Such strategies are referred to as specialization strategies; they may be viewed as models for top-down or general-to-specific searches in artificial systems of empirical inquiry (see for example, Shapiro's MIS [171] and Quinlan's FOIL [157]).
Three specialization strategies can be defined as duals to the three generalization strategies. We consider only the dual of weak-monotonic scientists. Duals of strong-monotonic scientists and monotonic scientists are considered in the exercises.
5.59 Definition (Kapur [103])
(a) M is dual-weak-monotonic on L just in case, for each Image-1214.gif with 0113-017.gif and each 0113-018.gif with 0113-019.gif, we have 0113-020.gif.
(b) M is dual-weak-monotonic on Image-1215.gif just in case M is dual-weak-monotonic on each 0113-021.gif.
(c) M is dual-weak-monotonic just in case M is dual-weak-monotonic on each 0113-022.gif.
(d) 0113-023.gif.

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