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Page 114
(e) 0114-001.gif
Clearly, 0114-002.gif. The next result shows the surprising fact that every identifiable collection of languages can also be identified by a dual-weak-monotonic scientist.
5.60 Proposition 0114-003.gif.
Proof (After Kinber and Stephan [109]): Fix M. We assume, without loss of generality (by Proposition 5.29), that M identifies T if and only if T contains a locking sequence for M on content(T). By the s-m-n theorem, there is a recursive f such that, for all e and  s ,
We inductively define M' so that, for each  s , there is a 0114-005.gif such that 0114-006.gif. Define 0114-007.gif. Given  s  and x, define
Claim: M' identifies each language identified by M. To see this, first suppose M identifies T and suppose that T[n] is a locking sequence for M on T. Once M' outputs f(M(T[n']), T[n'] for some n' > n, it never changes its mind. Thus M' converges on T. Suppose M' converges to f(M(T[n"]), T[n"]Then T[n"] must be a locking sequence for M on content(T). It follows that M' identifies T. Thus the claim is shown.
Claim: M' is dual-weak-monotonic. To see this, first suppose 0114-009.gif and 0114-010.gif This implies that there is a  g  such that 0114-011.gif, 0114-012.gif, and 0114-013.gif It follows that either 0114-014.gif. In both cases, the dual-weak-monotonic property of M' is not violated, hence, the claim and the theorem follow.

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