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Page 19
Functionals and Operators.
In this book a functional is a (possibly partial) mapping from either 0019-001.gif or 0019-002.gif to N, and an operator is a total mapping from either 0019-003.gif 0019-004.gif or 0019-005.gif.
Let 0019-006.gif be a canonical indexing of finite functions.1 0019-007.gif is a recursive functional (or, more accurately, an effective continuous functional) if and only if there is an r.e. set A such that, for all 0019-008.gif and all 0019-009.gif, 0019-010.gif. (For all 0019-011.gif, recursive functionals of type 0019-012.gif can be defined similarly.) A recursive functional F has the following two topological properties for all 0019-013.gif and 0019-014.gif.
Monotonicity: 0019-015.gif.
Compactness: 0019-016.gif.
We say that such an F is a total recursive functional if and only if, for all 0019-017.gif and 0019-018.gif, 0019-019.gif.
We say 0019-020.gif is a recursive operator if and only if there is a recursive functional 0019-021.gif such that, for all  a 1, . . .,  a k, x1, . . ., xl,
In the setting of recursive operators, the analog of both the monotonicity and compactness properties is the following property that holds for all 0019-023.gif.
Continuity: 0019-024.gif, where  s  ranges over finite functions.
We say  Q  is a total recursive operator if and only if  Q  is a recursive operator such that, whenever  a 1, . . .,  a k are all total, so is 0019-025.gif.
Programming Systems.
A programming system for a class of partial recursive functions Image-0324.gif is a partial recursive function  n  such that 0019-026.gif, By convention, if we do not specify a Image-0325.gif, then 0019-027.gif is assumed. Intuitively,  n , a programming system for Image-0326.gif, corresponds to an interpreter for some programming language capable of expressing all the partial recursive functions;  n (p, x) is the result, if any, of running  n -program p on datum x. We typically write  n p(x) in place of  n (p, x). Thus,  n p is the partial recursive function computed by  n -program p and 0019-028.gif is an effective
1 The details of this indexing do not matter. All that we care about is that every finite function has an index and that there is a recursive function r such that, for all i, 0019-029.gif, and 0019-030.gif is the graph of  s i

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