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Page 18
Pairing Functions.
A pairing function is a recursive one-one correspondence between N × N (pairs of natural numbers) and N (the natural numbers themselves). We use the following pairing function. For each x and y, define 0018-001.gif to be the number whose binary representation is an interleaving of the binary representations of x and y where we alternate x's and y's digits and start on the right with the least most significant y digit. For example, 0018-002.gif since 15 = 1111 (binary), 2 = 10 (binary) = 0010 (binary), and 94 = 10101110 (binary). Define  p 1 and  p 2 to be the functions such that, for all x and y, 0018-003.gif and 0018-004.gif;  p 1 and  p 2 are, respectively, called the first and second projection functions for 0018-005.gif. This particular pairing function and its projection functions are computable (on deterministic multi-tape Turing Machines) in simultaneous linear time and constant space. (See Royer and Case [161] for details.) By convention, for all x, 0018-006.gif and, for all x1, . . ., xn+1, 0018-007.gif, where 0018-008.gif. The function 0018-009.gif is a one-one correspondence between Nn and N. Following the usual conventions of computability theory we will freely identify a partial function 0018-010.gif with the partial function 0018-011.gif such that, for all x1, . . ., xk,
For each A, 0018-013.gif we define 0018-014.gif.
Henceforth we use the term language as a synonym for "recursively enumerable subset of natural numbers," and we often let L serve as a variable for languages. Image-0322.gif denotes the class of all recursive languages.  e  denotes the class of all recursively enumerable languages. Observe that the empty set is recursively enumerable, so 0018-015.gif. Image-0323.gif ranges over collections of recursively enumerable languages.
A language L is sometimes said to represent the set 0018-016.gif. We say L is a single-valued language if and only if, for each x, there is at most one y such that 0018-017.gif (hence, L represents a partial recursive function). We say that L is a single-valued total language if and only if, for each x, there is exactly one y such that 0018-018.gif (hence, L represents a total recursive function).
For each 0018-019.gif and for each 0018-020.gif, it is useful to define the following:

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