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(a) Show that infinite scattered sets exist and that each scattered set is either finite or immune.
(b) Show that there are hyperimmune sets which are not scattered and that there are infinite scattered sets which are not hyperimmune.
(c) Show that if S is a scattered set and  p  is a recursive isomorphism, then  p (S) is also a scattered set.
(d) We say M Exscat-identifies f if and only if 0165-001.gif and 0165-002.gif is scattered. We also define Exscat(M) and Exscat in the usual way. Show that 0165-003.gif.
7-8 Here we show Proposition 7.10: 0165-004.gif. Let 0165-005.gif and 0165-006.gif. Clearly, 0165-007.gif. Fix n. Show that if 0165-008.gif, then 0165-009.gif, a contradiction.
7-9 Here we develop a proof of Proposition 7.14.
(a) Show that for each 0165-010.gif, Image-1702.gif, and 0165-011.gif, there is a recursive set R such that 0165-012.gif and ad(L, R) > a. Hint: Consider the two cases of ad(L, N) > a and 0165-013.gif.
(b) Show that for each rational 0165-014.gif, 0165-015.gif.
(c) Show that for rationals q and r with 0165-016.gif, 0165-017.gif.
(d) Prove Proposition 7.14.
7-10 C.S. Peirce [147] held that one should not expect science to converge on a final theory of a phenomenon X; instead, the expectation should be that science will produce a series of better and better approximations to X. Fulk and Jain [73] define the following identification criteria intended to model Peirce's theory of inference. M Ap-identifies f (written: 0165-018.gif) if and only if there is a sequence 0165-019.gif of subsets of N such that (i) for each n, 0165-020.gif; (ii) 0165-021.gif; (iii) 0165-022.gif; and (iv) for infinitely many n, 0165-023.gif is infinite. This turns out to be an extremely powerful criteria, as there is an M that Ap-identifies every element of Image-1703.gif [73, Theorem 1]. We work through a proof of this below.
(a) For each 0165-024.gif, let pf denote the least p such that  j p = f. Show that there is an M' that takes a function argument f and a numeric argument m and which is such that, for each f in Image-1704.gif and each 0165-025.gif, 0165-026.gif and  j p' = f.

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