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if A is infinite and 0016-001.gif. By convention, min(x1, . . ., xk) = min({x1, . . ., xk}) and max(x1, . . . ,xk) = max({ x1, . . ., xk}). For each 0016-002.gif, A[n] denotes 0016-003.gif. A - B denotes the set 0016-004.gif. For 0016-005.gif, Image-0309.gif denotes the complement of A, that is, N - A. A  D  B denotes the symmetric difference of A and B, that is, 0016-006.gif. 0016-007.gif denotes the disjoint union of A and B, that is, 0016-008.gif. For each 0016-009.gif, A = n B means that 0016-010.gif; A and B are called n-variants. A =* B means that card(A  D  B) is finite; A and B are called finite variants.
For each finite set A, we define the canonical index of A to be the natural number 0016-011.gif. (The canonical index of Image-0310.gif is thus 0.) The canonical indexing provides a one-to-one correspondence between finite sets and the natural numbers. Dx denotes the finite set whose canonical index is x(see Rogers [l58])
For natural numbers x and z, let:

Let R denote the set of real numbers. For each a and 0016-016.gif, let:

Logical Symbols.
As usual,  ''  and  $  are used for universal and existential quantifiers. Image-0311.gif, Image-0312.gif, and  $ ! denote 'for all but finitely many,' 'there exist infinitely many,' and 'there exists a unique.' That is:
0016-021.gif is finite.
0016-022.gif is infinite.
0016-023.gif is a singleton.
The symbols Image-0313.gif, Image-0314.gif, and Image-0315.gif, respectively, denote logical negation, or and and. Fix an 0016-024.gif, and, for each 0016-025.gif, let 0016-026.gif be a predicate. Then, 0016-027.gif denotes 0016-028.gif and 0016-029.gif denotes 0016-030.gif.
Let A and B be arbitrary sets (that is, not necessarily subsets of N). Then 0016-031.gif (respectively, 0016-032.gif) denotes the collection of all partial (respectively, total) functions from A to B. Unless otherwise specified, when we say  y  is a partial function we will mean that  y : 0016-033.gif and when we say f is a total function, we will mean

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