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Page 273
We claim that 0273-001.gif. To see this, suppose T is a text for an 0273-002.gif. Then 0273-003.gif and Wk = L. So, for all sufficiently large n, we have that 0273-004.gif and g(k, n) = iL. Therefore, in the program for M', for all sufficiently large n, the search for (i, j) finds the least (i, j) such that  h (i, j) = iL. We consider two cases.
Case 1: L is finite. In this case it follows from Claim 12.18(a) and our definition of M' that 0273-005.gif.
Case 2: L is infinite. Suppose 0273-006.gif is such that 0273-007.gif and, for infinitely many n, 0273-008.gif. Then it follows that Wr(i, j) = L. But by Claim 12.18, the only way that can happen is if (i', j') = (i, j). Hence, by the program for M', for all but finitely many n, M'(T[n]) = r(i, j) = MinGram y (L).
It thus follows that 0273-009.gif.
§12.6 Nearly Minimal Identification
We next consider paradigms in which scientists converge to hypotheses that are of minimal size, modulo a recursive fudge factor. (We say that the hypotheses are of ''nearly minimal" size.) The next two definitions introduce this idea.
12.19 Definition Suppose  y  is a programming system and 0273-010.gif. We say that i is an h-minimal  y -grammar for L just in case 0273-011.gif and 0273-012.gif.
12.20 Definition (Case and Chi [27])Suppose 0273-013.gif.
(a) M h-TxtMex y -identifies Image-2802.gif (written: 0273-014.gif) just in case, for each 0273-015.gif and each text T for L, we have that 0273-016.gif and M(T) is an h-minimal  y -grammar for L.
(b) 0273-017.gif.
(c) 0273-018.gif.
The following proposition is immediate.
12.21 Proposition For all acceptable programming systems  y  and  y ', TxtMex y  = TxtMex Y '.
So, if the fudge factor is allowed to be any computable function, the notion of nearly minimal identification is independent of the underlying acceptable programming system.

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