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Page 272
Part (b). Suppose i* = MinGram j (L). Then, by our choice of i* and Claim 12.17(a), we have that, for all (i, 0) < (i*,0), 0272-001.gif. Since 0272-002.gif, we have that 0272-003.gif and, hence, for some 0272-004.gif, we must have 0272-005.gif. Thus, it follows that j > 0, although we may well have (i, j) < (i*, j*).
Part (c). Suppose L is infinite. Suppose by way of contradiction that for some 0272-006.gif we have r(i', j') = MinGram y (L). By part (a) and the ordering on A, it follows that (i', j') < (i, j). By the argument for part (b) it must be the case that j' > 0. Since L = Wr(i', j') is infinite, it follows from Claim 12.17(b) that 0272-007.gif. Let p =  h (i', j'). By Claim 12.17(c) we have that, for infinitely many n, g(p, n) = p. Hence, by Claim 12.17(d), Wp = W h (i', j') = Wr(i', j'), which by hypothesis is 0272-008.gif. So, by Claim 12.16, we must have  h (i', j') p = iL. But since (i', j') < (i, j), this contradicts our choice of (i, j) as the least element of A with  h (i, j) = iL. Hence, part (c) follows.
It is convenient to introduce a  y -analog of Wi, s. Towards this end fix p h , some  j -program for  h . Then, for each 0272-009.gif and 0272-010.gif, define
By Claim 12.17 we have that, for all 0272-012.gif, 0272-013.gif, and, for all s, 0272-014.gif. Moreover, deciding whether 0272-015.gif is recursive in i, j, s, and x.
Now let M be a scientist that TxtEx-identifies Image-2801.gif. We define a scientist M' as follows.
Program for M' on  s .
Let k = M(
 s ), 0272-016.gif, and p = g(k, n).
Find the least 0272-017.gif, if any, such that 0272-018.gif and 0272-019.gif.
If no such (i, j) is found, then output 0 and halt.
If such an (i, j) is found, then:
Find the least 0272-020.gif, if any, such that 0272-021.gif and 0272-022.gif.
If no such an (i', j') was found, output r(i, j).
If such an (i, j) was found, output r(i', j').
End Program.

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