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Page 274
We thus sometimes refer to TxtMex y  (for acceptable programming system  y ) as simply TxtMex. If the fudge factor is required to be some fixed computable function, then drastic things can occur, as the next proposition demonstrates.
12.22 Proposition For each computable h, there is an acceptable programming system such that no infinite collection of infinite languages can be h-TxtMex ½ -identified.
As an immediate corollary of Proposition 12.22 and Proposition 12.13 we have:
12.23 Corollary There are acceptable programming systems,  y  and  y , for which we have 0274-001.gif.
Thus, TxtMin y -identification is dependent on the choice of acceptable programming system  y . If we take as a given that the notions of our theory must be recursively invariant, this corollary precludes the study of TxtMin y -identification as an interesting criterion of language learning. On the other hand, it may be the case that the dependence of size-restricted paradigms on the underlying acceptable programming system is a fundamental fact about learnability rather than a mere mathematical inconvenience.
Proof (of Proposition 12.22): Fix an 0274-002.gif which we assume without loss of generality is strictly increasing. Let 0274-003.gif denote a finite sequence uniformly formed from j and s such that: (i) 0274-004.gif and (ii) 0274-005.gif. Let M0, M1, M2, . . . be a recursive enumeration of total computable scientists along the lines of Corollary 4.16. We define
Clearly, g is strictly increasing and recursive. For each i, define 0274-007.gif, where for each s and x,

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