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12.24 Claim For all i:
(a) If i = g(j) for some j, then 0275-001.gif.
(b) If g(j) < i < g(j) + j + 3 for some j and 0275-002.gif is infinite, then 0275-003.gif.
(c) If 0275-004.gif for some j, then 0275-005.gif.
The above claim follows immediately from the definition of  y . We also have:
12.25 Claim Suppose L is an infinite r.e. set with MinGram y (L) > 0. Let j + 1 = MinGram y (L) and let A be the set of h-minimal  y -grammars for L. Then:
(a) 0275-006.gif.
(b) For each i e A and each  i  < j, we have that 0275-007.gif.
Proof: Let S = { g(j) + 1, . . ., g(j) + j + 2}. Suppose 0275-008.gif and there is no  i  < j such that 0275-009.gif. Then it follows from the definition of Image-2803.gif that as s goes to infinity, so does the s' of clause (ii). Hence, 0275-010.gif. Since there are only j + 1 many 0275-011.gif and j + 2 many 0275-012.gif, there is at least one  y -grammar for L in S. Let i* be the least  y -grammar for L in S. Since L is infinite, it follows from our choice of j + 1 and Claim 12.24 that i* = MinGram y (L). Since h is strictly increasing, we have that 0275-013.gif. Hence, by Claim 12.24(c), all the h-minimal  y -grammars must be 0275-014.gif. Part (a) of the claim thus follows. Part (b) follows using part (a) and the construction of 0275-015.gif.
We leave the rest of the proof to the reader.
Jain and Sharma [89] discuss other properties of the h-TxtMex paradigm.
§12.7 Bibliographic Notes
The subject of bounding the number of mind changes was first considered by Barzdins * and Freivalds [15].
Case and Smith [35] were the first to study the interaction of mind changes and anomalies in the final program. For other results relating to mind changes, see Case, Jain, and Ngo-Manguelle [28]. Case, Jain, and Sharma [31] investigate mind changes in the context of vacillatory identification of functions. Mind change complexity of indexed families of computable languages has been investigated by Mukouchi [135] and by Lange and Zeugmann [118]. Recently, Freivalds and Smith [66] proposed a generalized notion

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