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Page 279
12-9 (Freivalds [61], Chen [37]) The following formalizes the notion of nearly minimal identification for functions.
12.29 Definition Let a be a member of (0279-001.gif) and let h be a recursive function.
(a) M Image-2804.gif (written: 0279-002.gif) if and only if, for each 0279-003.gif, we have that 0279-004.gif,  y M(f) = a f, and 0279-005.gif.
(b) 0279-006.gif.
(c) 0279-007.gif.
Thus, a scientist M Image-2805.gif S just in case for each 0279-008.gif, M Exa-identifies f in the acceptable programming system  y , and the final stabilized output of M on f is no bigger than h(MinProg y (f)).
(a) Suppose that 0279-009.gif) and that  y  and  y ' are acceptable programming systems. Show that 0279-010.gif. (Thus, it makes sense to refer to Image-2806.gif as just Mexa)
(b) Suppose that h is a recursive function such that, for all x, 0279-011.gif. Show that there exists an acceptable  y  such that for all S, 0279-012.gif is finite.
(c) Use part (b) and Exercise 12-7 to show that there are two acceptable programming systems  y  and  y ' such that 0279-013.gif.
12-10 (Chen [37]) Show the following:
(a) 0279-014.gif.
(b) For each 0279-015.gif, 0279-016.gif.
(c) 0279-017.gif.
12-11 Using an argument similar to that for Proposition 12.15, prove: 0279-018.gif
12-12 For each 0279-019.gif, define TxtMexa to the obvious variation on TxtMex that permits a-many anomalies in the final grammar. Show the following:
(a) 0279-020.gif.
(b) For each 0279-021.gif, 0279-022.gif.
(c) 0279-023.gif.

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