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Page 149
6-13 Show the following refinements of the observation in Exercise 6-12.
(a) 0149-001.gif
(b) 0149-002.gif
6-14 (Advanced) Consider the following variation on 0149-003.gif
6.35 Definition (Osherson, Stob, and Weinstein [140] )Let 0149-004.gif and 0149-005.gif.
(a) 0149-006.gif (written: 0149-007.gif) just in case for each text T for L there is a finite, nonempty set D of cardinality at most b such that (i) M finitely converges to D, (ii) for each 0149-008.gif, Wi = a L, and (iii) for all i, 0149-009.gif, Wi = Wj
(b) 0149-010.gif
Show that for all 0149-011.gif, 0149-012.gif
Open Question: Is 0149-013.gif?
6-15 Two approaches to relaxing the strict requirement of Ex-identification have been considered in this chapter, namely, allowing anomalies in the final program and weakening the notion of convergence. Here we consider a third approach. Instead requiring convergence to a program for the function, we allow a scientist to converge to a "trial and error" procedure for the function. We formalize what we mean by a "trial and error" procedure for a function through programs for limiting approximations. A two argument  j -program i is referred to as Lim-program for  h  just in case for all x 0149-014.gif, where  h (x) is undefined just in case the limit fails to exist. Intuitively, such a Lim-program, on a given input, is allowed finitely many mind changes about what output to produce. The next definition introduces a paradigm in which the scientist converges to a Lim-program for a finite variant of the function to be identified.
6.36 Definition (Case, Jain, and Sharma [29]) Let 0149-015.gif
(a) M LimEXa-identifies 0149-016.gif (written: 0149-017.gif) just in case 0149-018.gif and M(f) is a Lim-program for an a-variant of f.
(b) 0149-019.gif.

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