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Page 150
Show the following.
(a) For each 0150-001.gif, 0150-002.gif.
(b) 0150-003.gif. Observe that this result together with part (a) implies 0150-004.gif.
(c) 0150-005.gif
(d) For each 0150-006.gif, 0150-007.gif.
(e) For each 0150-008.gif, 0150-009.gif.
A Lim-program for a function may be viewed as a higher-order program for the function. A three argument  j -program i is called a Lim2-program for  h ) just in case for all x 0150-010.gif. This process can easily be iterated to define Limn programs. The reference [29] considers identification of such higher-order programs for functions.

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