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just in case  g  is a prefix of  c A. Clearly, Image-2607.gif is a partial order on STR. We identify the elements of STR with those of N.1
11.4 Definition (Jockusch [101]) A is 1-generic just in case, for every r.e. set L, there is an n such that either (a) 0254-001.gif, or (b) for all 0254-002.gif, 0254-003.gif.
Jockusch [101] shows that 1-generic sets exist and are, in a reasonable sense, plentiful. Here then is the promised characterization of trivial sets.
11.5 Proposition For all A, OAEx = Ex if and only if 0254-004.gif and A is Turing reducible to a 1-generic set.
The if direction of the proposition is due to Fortnow, Gasarch, Jain, Kinber, Kummer, Kurtz, Pleszkoch, Slaman, Solovay, and Stephan [59], and the only if direction is due to Slaman and Solovay [177]. Slaman and Solovay's [177] proof of the only if direction is quite difficult. Kummer and Stephan [114] have an easier proof of this direction. Here we show Proposition 11.6 below, a weak version of the if direction. The full argument of the if direction is left to Exercise 11-4.
11.6 Proposition Suppose A is a 1-generic set that is 0254-005.gif K. Then OAEx = Ex. The following two lemmas imply the proposition.
11.7 Lemma Suppose A is 1-generic and 0254-006.gif. Then there is an M such that, for each 0254-007.gif, MA Ex-identifies f, making only finitely many queries to A.
11.8 Lemma Suppose 0254-008.gif and Image-2608.gif and M are such that, for each 0254-009.gif, MA Ex-identifies f, making only finitely many queries to A. Then 0254-010.gif.
We prove Lemma 11.7 below. The proof of Lemma 11.8 is left to Exercise 11-3. Before proving Lemma 11.7, we introduce one more bit of notation. For each oracle scientist M, 0254-011.gif, and 0254-012.gif, we define
1Via the isomorphism 0254-014.gif Exercise: Show that this really is an isomorphism.

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