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Proof (of Lemma 11.7): Let M0 be an oracle scientist such that 0255-001.gif Ex-identifies Image-2609.gif. For each oracle X and each 0255-002.gif, define useX( s ) to be the smallest prefix of X, if any, such that 0255-003.gif Clearly, usex is partial recursive in X. We also define, for each oracle X and 0255-004.gif,
11.9 Claim
(a) GA is recursive in A, monotone nondecreasing, and for each  s , 0255-006.gif, and one can compute GA( s ) using only 0255-007.gif much of A.
(b) For each 0255-008.gif, there is an nf such that 0255-009.gif and 0255-010.gif.
Proof: Part (a) follows directly from the definition of G. For part (b), fix an 0255-011.gif. It is clear from the definition of G that, if 0255-012.gif, to say nf, then 0255-013.gif. Moreover, since GA is monotone increasing, if 0255-014.gif is bounded, then 0255-015.gif. So, for part (b) it suffices to simply show that 0255-016.gif is bounded. For each n, let 0255-017.gif. If 0255-018.gif, then we are done by the definition of G. So, suppose 0255-019.gif Since 0255-020.gif. ExA-identifies f, there are i0 and no such that, for all 0255-021.gif. Let
Clearly, L is r.e. By our choice of n0 we have that, for each m, 0255-023.gif. Therefore, by the 1-genericity of A, there must be an m0 such that, for all 0255-024.gif. Let n1 be the least number such that 0255-025.gif (and, hence, 0255-026.gif). It thus follows from our choice of m0 and the definition of G that, for all n, 0255-027.gif
For each X and  s , define 0255-028.gif. It follows from Claim 11.9 that M is as required.

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