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§9.4.1 Background Probability Theory
A probability space consists of
 W , a set of possible outcomes of experiments;
ß, a collection of subsets of  W  (satisfying conditions of Definition 9.9 below), called events or measurable sets; and
• pr, a function from ß to the real interval 0203-001.gif (satisfying the conditions of Definition 9.10 below), called a probability measure.
Before discussing the conditions on ß and pt, we consider the familiar example of the uniform probability measure on a finite, nonempty set  W . In this case ß = the collection of all subsets of  W  and pr(E) = card(E)/card( W ) for 0203-002.gif. So if  W  = N2, then the probability of 0 (heads) = pr({0}) = 1/2 = pr({1}) = the probability of 1 (tails) and pr( W ) = 1. If 0203-003.gif, then the probability of an even number of 0's in three flips = pt(E) (where 0203-004.gif. If  W  is a finite or countable set, then one can usually take every subset of  W  to be an event. If  W  is uncountable (such as 0203-005.gif), then set-theoretic difficulties typically force one to take ß to be a proper subset of the powerset of  W  that satisfies the properties given in the following definition.
9.9 Definition 0203-006.gif is a Borel field (or  s -algebra) if and only if
(a) 0203-007.gif,
(b) 0203-008.gif, and
(c) ß is closed under countable unions, i.e., if 0203-009.gif is countable, then 0203-010.gif.
The smallest Borel field that contains a particular collection, A, of subsets of  W  is called the Borel field generated by A.
As 0203-011.gif, Borel fields are also closed under countable intersections.
9.10 Definition A probability measure on a Borel field ß of subsets of  W  is a real-valued function pt: 0203-012.gif such that
(a) pr( W ) = 1, and
(b) pr is countably additive, i.e., if 0203-013.gif is a countable collection of pairwise disjoint sets, then 0203-014.gif.

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