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For each 0204-001.gif and t > 1, let 0204-002.gif and, for each 0204-003.gif define 0204-004.gif. So (0204-005.gif, 0204-006.gif, 0204-007.gif) is just the uniform probability space on 0204-008.gif. Easy exercise: Show that, for each k and t, 0204-009.gif and 0204-010.gif satisfy the conditions for a Borel field and probability measure, respectively.
Now let us consider the problem of constructing for 0204-011.gif an appropriate probability space (0204-012.gif, 0204-013.gif, 0204-014.gif) where, as usual, t is an integer greater that 1. Somehow, this space should be the "limit" of the (0204-015.gif, 0204-016.gif, 0204-017.gif)'s. Moreover, we want the probability that an infinite sequence of coin flips starts with a 0 (respectively, 1, . . ., t - 1) to be 1/t, and, in general, we want the probability that an infinite sequence of coin flips has  r  (a particular finite t-ary sequence) as an initial subsequence to be 0204-018.gif. So, defining, for each 0204-019.gif,
we know that all of the 0204-021.gif should be in 0204-022.gif with 0204-023.gif. Thus, we take 0204-024.gif to be the Borel field generated by 0204-025.gif, and, less obviously, for each 0204-026.gif, define
It can be shown (see Dudley [56]) that this 0204-028.gif is a probability measure for 0204-029.gif. This probability space on 0204-030.gif will suffice for our purposes. Henceforth, we will say that an 0204-031.gif is measurable if and only if 0204-032.gif. Many natural sets turn out to be measurable, as shown by the next lemma. First, we introduce a bit of terminology. For 0204-033.gif and 0204-034.gif, we say a relation 0204-035.gif is arithmetic if and only if P can be expressed in the language of first-order arithmetic augmented by a 1-ary function variable O. So for example, the relation "there are infinitely many n such that O(n) = 0" is expressible by: 0204-036.gif. (Rogers discusses and characterizes such arithmetic relations in Section 15.2 of [158].)
9.11 Lemma Suppose 0204-037.gif, 0204-038.gif, and 0204-039.gif is arithmetic. Then, for each x1, . . ., xk, the set 0204-040.gif is measurable.
Proof: Without loss of generality, suppose that for all O, x1, . . . xk,

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