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Page 205
where 0205-001.gif, each Qi is either the quantifier  $  or  " , and R can be expressed without quantifiers. We proceed by induction on n. Suppose n = 0. Then, there is a number m such that in the quantifier free statement that expresses P, all references to elements of O involve elements 0205-002.gif m. Hence it follows that Image-2101.gif can be expressed as a finite union of particular 0205-003.gif with 0205-004.gif. Thus the base case follows. Suppose n > 0 and the lemma holds for n - 1. Then for each y1, the collection,
is measurable. Moreover, if Q1 =  $ , then 0205-006.gif and if Q1 =  " , then 0205-007.gif. In either case it follows that Image-2102.gif is measurable. Hence, the induction step follows.
Fix a probabilistic scientist P and 0205-008.gif and let if be an index for f. Then we have that [PO Ex-identifies f] is equivalent to
which, by standard tricks (see Section 14.8 of Rogers [158]), is seen to be arithmetical. Hence, as desired, we have
9.12 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150]) For each probabilistic scientist P and 0205-010.gif, {0205-011.gif Ex-identifies f} is measurable.
§9.4.2 Probability of Function Identification
The work of the last subsection justifies the following definition.
9.13 Definition (Pitt [149, 150]) Let P be a probabilistic scientist equipped with a t-sided coin (0205-012.gif) and 0205-013.gif. Then, 0205-014.gif.
The next lemma says that the notion of probabilistic Ex-idetifiability does not depend on the value of t.
9.14 Lemma (Pitt [149, 150]) Let t > 2. Let P be a probabilistic scientist with a t-sided coin. Then, there exists a probabilistic scientist P' with a two-sided coin such that for each 0205-015.gif, 0205-016.gif.

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