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Page 25
We use  F  to introduce clipped versions of  j  and the indexing 0025-001.gif. For each i and s, define:
Note that there are recursive functions f and g such that, for all i and s, 0025-004.gif and 0025-005.gif.
Computation Relative to an Oracle.
Informally, we say that a function  a  is computable relative to a set A if and only if  a  can be computed by an algorithm that, along with all the usual things algorithms are permitted to do, is allowed to use XA as a "built-in" subroutine. Formally, we say that  a  is computable relative to A if and only if there is a recursive functional F such that 0025-006.gif For example, let K denote the diagonal halting problem set, that is, 0025-007.gifK is a recursively enumerable, nonrecursive set.) Then, 0025-008.gif computable relative to K. (See Exercise 2-8.)
Limiting Computability.
Suppose 0025-009.gif an infinite sequence of integers. We write 0025-010.gif and only if, for all but finitely many i, ai = b. If, for infinitely many i, 0025-011.gif, we write 0025-012.gif. We say that a is limiting partial recursive if and only if there is a (total) recursive function g such that, for all x, 0025-013.gif. So,  a (x) is defined if and only if the limit exists. We say that  a  is limiting recursive if and only if  a  is total and limiting partial recursive. The following lemma is essentially due to Post.
2.11 Lemma A function  a  is limiting partial recursive if and only if  a  is partial recursive in the halting problem.
Thus, the limiting partial recursive functions form a strictly larger class than Image-0401.gif. A set A is limiting recursive if and only if XA is limiting recursive. A functional F: 0025-014.gif is limiting recursive if and only if there is a total recursive functional 0025-015.gif such that, for all f and x, 0025-016.gif.

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