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Page 26
2-1 Suppose d is such that, for all p, x, and y, 0026-001.gif. Show that 0026-002.gif is as required for the moreover clause of Theorem 2.3.
2-2 Use the recursion theorem to show that, for each partial recursive function  y , there is another partial recursive function  y ' such that
(i) 0026-003.gif and
(ii) for all 0026-004.gif.
See page 16 for definition of finite variant of a function.
2-3 (Wiehagen [196]) Use the recursion theorem to show that, for each r.e. set L, there is another r.e. set L' such that
(i) L and L' are finite variants and
(ii) L' = Wx where x is the smallest element in L'.
See page 16 for definition of finite variant of a set.
2-4 Use the 2-ary recursion theorem to show the existence of distinct  j -programs el and e2 such that, for all x, 0026-005.gif and 0026-006.gif.
2-5 Use the operator recursion theorem to show that there is a recursive function h such that, for all x, 0026-007.gif. Taking, ai = h(i) , 0026-008.gif, it follows that the ai's are as required in Lemma 2.7.
2-6 Show that there is a limiting recursive function h such that for all recursive f, for all but finitely many x, f(x) < h(x).
(a) Prove Theorem 2.5 from Theorem 2.6.
(b) Prove Theorem 2.5 directly from Theorem 2.1.
2-8 Show that 0026-009.gif is computable relative to K.

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