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Thus, a descriptor for languages maps each natural number into a collection of languages, and similarly for descriptors for functions. In the context of descriptor DL, we call 0076-001.gif a "description" of DL(i). Description i may be conceived as an inductive inference problem posed to a scientist, namely, the problem of identifying DL(i). A well-rounded, generally intelligent scientist should respond to i by adapting her scientific strategy in such a way that she identifies the described collection DL(i). Here are two examples of descriptors that will occupy us in the sequel.
4.33 Definition
(a) [·] denotes the descriptor for languages defined as follows. For all 0076-002.gif, 0076-003.gif .
(b) [·]f denotes the descriptor for functions defined as follows. For all i 0076-004.gif, 0076-005.gif.
Thus, [·] interprets i as the collection of all languages with indexes in Wi. [·]f interprets i as the collection of all total recursive functions with indexes in Wi. Note that Wi may well contain indexes j such that  j j is only partial, hence not a member of Image-0860.gif. Such partial functions  j j are not described by [i]f and hence do not figure in the scientific problem posed by i. Indexes in [i]f for nontotal functions should thus be considered as "noise" in the description. No such noise occurs for [·]. In this sense, [·] is more transparent than [·]f.
Given 0076-006.gif, Wi may contain equivalent indexes, that is, multiple indexes for the same language. It is thus possible for Wi to have more members than [i]. The same is true of [·]f. This is a sense in which neither descriptor is perfectly transparent.
Scientists that accept descriptions of problems have an additional, numerical argument. They are thus called "parameterized."
4.34 Definition
(a) A parameterized scientist for languages is any computable mapping (partial or total) from N × SEQ into N.
(b) A parameterized scientist for functions is any computable mapping (partial or total) from N × SEQ into N.
By "parameterized scientist" is meant either parameterized scientist for languages or for functions; context determines which kind is at issue. As a variable for parameterized scientists, we use  G .

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