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provides a particular example of this. Chen[36] proved the analogous result for the Bcn criteria.
Terminology: We say that x is the point of convergence of M on f if and only if 0162-001.gif and x is the least number such that, for all y > x, M(f[x]) = M(f[y]).
7.21 Proposition Suppose M is a scientist and 0162-002.gif.
(a) There is an 0162-003.gif such that either 0162-004.gif or else 0162-005.gif and, if x is the point of convergence of M on f, then for each 0162-006.gif, 0162-007.gif.
(b) There are infinitely many 0162-008.gif such that either 0162-009.gif or else 0162-010.gif and, if x is the point of convergence of M on f, then for each 0162-011.gif, 0162-012.gif.
Part (a) of this proposition follows from the proof of Proposition 6.5. We leave it to the reader to check the details of this. Part (b) follows as an easy consequence of part (a). Using this proposition we can establish the relation of the Huex criteria to the Exn criteria and some final details of the relation of the Huex with the Uex and Aex criteria.
7.22 Proposition Suppose a, 0162-013.gif and m, 0162-014.gif.
(a) If 0162-015.gif, then 0162-016.gif.
(b) If n > a · (m + 1), then 0162-017.gif.
(c) If a < 1, then 0162-018.gif.
(d) If a< 1 and 0162-019.gif, then 0162-020.gif.
(e) If a < b, then 0162-021.gif.
Proof: Observation: If 0162-022.gif, then 0162-023.gif can have as many as [a · (m + 1)] members in any interval of length m, but no more than that.
We have from the Observation that, if 0162-024.gif and if 0162-025.gif, then 0162-026.gif; hence part (a) follows.
Part (b) follows from the Observation and Proposition 7.21(a).
Part (c) follows from Proposition 7.17(c) and Proposition 7.20.
By Definitions 7.16 and 7.18, if 0162-027.gif, then 0162-028.gif. By part (c), this containment is strict; hence part (d) follows.
Suppose a < b and suppose q and r are rationals such that a < q < r < b. The S of the proof of Lemma 7.9 is clearly in Huexr, hence by the proof of Lemma 7.9,

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