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Page 260
11-3 Let 0260-001.gif be limiting recursive. Suppose that 0260-002.gif. Further suppose that for each 0260-003.gif, M on input f, makes at most finitely many queries to A, that is, 0260-004.gif. Show that 0260-005.gif.
11-4 (Fortnow, Gasarch, Jain, et al. [59]) Suppose A is Turing reducible to both K and some 1-generic set. Show that OAEx = Ex.
11-5 Extend Definition 11.13 in the obvious way to allow oracle scientists to converge to finite variant grammars for the language being identified. That is, for 0260-006.gif and 0260-007.gif, define paradigms OATxtExa. Then establish the following stronger version of Proposition 11.15:
Let A0, A1, A2, . . . be a sequence of sets such that 0260-008.gif and let 0260-009.gif. Choose C so that 0260-010.gif. Then there is an 0260-011.gif.
Hint: Consider a cylindrification of the class used in the proof of Proposition 11.15.

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