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Page 109
(a) M is said to be strong-monotonic on L just in case, for each Image-1201.gif with 0109-001.gif and each 0109-002.gif, we have 0109-003.gif.
(b) M is said to be strong monotonic on Image-1202.gif just in case M is strong-monotonic on each 0109-004.gif.
(c) M is strong monotonic just in case M is strong monotonic on each 0109-005.gif.
So, a strong-monotonic scientist, upon being fed a text for a language, outputs a chain of hypotheses such that if index j is hypothesized after index i, then 0109-006.gif. A consequence of this requirement is that if a scientist incorrectly hypothesizes that a particular element belongs to the target language, then it cannot revise this assumption by emitting a hypothesis that excludes this element.
5.49 Definition
(a) 0109-007.gif
(b) 0109-008.gif.
Exercise 5-15 shows:
We thus consider only the global version in the sequel.
Wiehagen [200] suggested that the requirement of strong monotonicity is too stringent. He proposed the weaker notion of monotonic strategy, which simply requires that a scientist's successive hypotheses be more general only with respect to the target language. More precisely:
5.50 Definition (Wiehagen [200])
(a) M is said to be monotonic on L just in case, for each Image-1203.gif with 0109-010.gif and each 0109-011.gif, we have 0109-012.gif.
(b) M is said to be monotonic on Image-1204.gif just in case M is monotonic on each 0109-013.gif.
Thus a monotonic strategy is allowed to correct its mistaken assumption that certain nonelements of L belong to L, but once it has correctly concluded that an element of L belongs to L it is not allowed to output a hypothesis that contradicts such a conclusion. The reader should note that we deliberately omitted the third clause in the above definition because the global version of monotonicity is equivalent to the requirement of strong

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