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4.7 Proposition 0065-001.gif.
Proof: By Exercise 3-1, 0065-002.gif. To show 0065-003.gif, suppose by way of contradiction that a computable scientist M identifies 0065-004.gif. Note that 0065-005.gif since 0065-006.gif for any 0065-007.gif. Therefore, by Corollary 3.25, there is a locking sequence  s 0 for M on K. Suppose that M( s 0) = i0, an index for K. Using M and  s 0 we will exhibit 0065-008.gif as recursively enumerable, contradicting the nonrecursivity of K.
Let k0, k1, k2, . . . be some fixed, recursive enumeration of K. For every 0065-009.gif, let Tx be the text 0065-010.gif. Note that:
4.8 (a) For all 0065-011.gif, Tx is a text for K.
(b) For all 0065-012.gif, Tx is a text for 0065-013.gif, and 0065-014.gif.
By 4.8a and the choice of  s 0, we have:
4.9 Suppose that 0065-015.gif. Then F(Tx[n]) = i0 for all 0065-016.gif.
On the other hand, from 4.8b, the fact that i0 is an index for no set of the form 0065-017.gif with 0065-018.gif, and the choice of M, we may infer:
4.10 Suppose that 0065-019.gif. Then 0065-020.gif for some 0065-021.gif.
Thus, 4.9 and 4.10 imply:
4.11 For all 0065-022.gif, 0065-023.gif if and only if there is an 0065-024.gif such that 0065-025.gif.
Now define the function 0065-026.gif by the condition that for all 0065-027.gif,
Since k0, k1, k2, . . . is a recursive enumeration, it is easy to see that X is partial recursive. However, the domain of X is 0065-029.gif, which implies that 0065-030.gif is recursively enumerable.
We mentioned in Section 3.3 that consideration of noncomputable scientists can clarify the respective roles of computational and information-theoretic factors in our theory. This is illustrated by comparing the collections 0065-031.gif and 0065-032.gif. By Propositions 4.7 and 3.28, no computable scientist identifies either collection. However, the reasons for the nonidentifiability differ in the two cases. 0065-033.gif presents a computable scientist with an insurmountable computational problem, whereas the computational structure of 0065-034.gif is trivial. In contrast, 0065-035.gif presents the scientist with an insurmountable informational problem, namely, that no 0065-036.gif allows the finite and infinite cases to be distinguished. No such informational problem exists for 0065-037.gif. The available information simply cannot be put to use by a recursive learning function.

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