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Page 64
§4.2.2 Lang Compared to TxtEx
We cannot conclude from the mere fact that there are uncomputable scientists that TxtEx is a proper subset of Lang, for there are proper subsets of the class of all scientists such that every identifiable collection of languages is identified by some member of the subset (see Exercise 4-3, below). However, 0064-001.gif does follow from the fact that the computable scientists form a countable subset of the uncountable class of all scientists.3 This is explained by the following proposition.
4.3 Proposition Let Image-0732.gif be any countable collection of functions from SEQ to N, and let 0064-002.gif. Then 0064-003.gif
Proof: For each 0064-004.gif and each 0064-005.gif, define 0064-006.gif. For each 0064-007.gif define a collection of languages 0064-008.gif by:
Exercise 3-12 shows that for every 0064-010.gif, 0064-011.gif. We now demonstrate:
4.4 No scientist identifies both 0064-012.gif and 0064-013.gif for 0064-014.gif.
To prove 4.4, let 0064-015.gif and 0064-016.gif be given, with 0064-017.gif. Suppose that scientist F identifies 0064-018.gif. Then, F identifies 0064-019.gif. By Corollary 3.25, let  s  be a locking sequence for F on Li, N. Choose finite 0064-020.gif such that 0064-021.gif. Observe that 0064-022.gif. Extend  s  to a text T for Li,D. Then, since 0064-023.gif F converges on T to an index for Li,N. Thus, F does not identify Li,D and hence does not identify 0064-024.gif. This proves 4.4.
It is easy to see that 4.4 implies 4.3 since there are uncountably many 0064-025.gif and each 0064-026.gif identifies at most one of the classes 0064-027.gif.
4.5 Corollary 0064-028.gif. It will facilitate later developments to exhibit a specific collection of languages that falls in Lang — TxtEx.
4.6 Definition Let K be the r.e., nonrecursive set defined on page 25. The collection of languages 0064-029.gif is denoted 0064-030.gif.
3 The computable scientists are countable because the collection of machines that compute them is countable. In contrast, it is easy to see that the collection of all scientists — i.e., functions from SEQ to N — has the power of the continuum.

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