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Page 118
The characterization of [Ex]Popperian says that the collections of functions that Popperian scientists can identify are precisely the collections of functions that are subsets of r.e. indexable collections of functions.
5.65 Proposition (Barzdins * and Freivalds [15], Case and Smith [35]) 0118-001.gif.
Proof: Suppose 0118-002.gif. Fix a Popperian scientist M that identifies each function in Image-1225.gif. Let 0118-003.gif. It is easy to see that 0118-004.gif and that Image-1226.gif is r.e. indexable.
Suppose 0118-005.gif is an r.e. indexable class of total functions. Choose a 0118-006.gif such that 0118-007.gif. Let M be a scientist that, for each 0118-008.gif,
It is easy to verify that M is Popperian and that 0118-010.gif.
§5.6.3 Reliability
Reliable scientists were first studied by Minicozzi [132]. Reliability in the context of languages guarantees that if a scientist converges on a text for a language, then the scientist converges to an index for that language. The following formalizes reliability in the context of functions.
5.66 Definition (Minicozzi [132])
(a) M is reliable on f just in case 0118-011.gif.
(b) M is reliable on 0118-012.gif just in case M is reliable on each 0118-013.gif.
(c) M is recursive-reliable just in case M is reliable on Image-1227.gif.
(d) 0118-014.gif.
The next proposition shows that recursire-reliable scientists pay a price for this useful property.
5.67 Proposition 0118-015.gif.
Proof: Clearly, 0118-016.gif. Below we argue that 0118-017.gif Our argument uses the following claim.

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