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5.68 Claim Suppose M is recursive-reliable. Then for all 0119-001.gif, there exists a 0119-002.gif such that 0119-003.gif and 0119-004.gif. Moreover, there is a recursive function t such that, given  s , 0119-005.gif as above.
Proof (Claim 5.68): If such a Image-1301.gif does not exist then M converges to M( s ) on all functions consistent with  s . However, M( s ) can be an index for at most one function consistent with  s . This contradicts the fact that M is recursive-reliable. The moreover clause is obvious.
Recall that 0119-006.gif. Fix a recursive-reliable scientist M. We show that M fails to identify Image-1302.gif. By Kleene's recursion theorem (Theorem 2.3), there exists an e such that  j e may be defined as follows: let  s 0 be such that 0119-007.gif, and 0119-008.gif. Clearly, 0119-009.gif. Also, 0119-010.gif. Thus, 0119-011.gif.
§5.6.4 Decisiveness
In the course of identification a scientist may conjecture a hypothesis, abandon it after seeing more data, and revert to the abandoned hypothesis once again. A sensible strategy would be to consider only those scientists that never go back to an abandoned conjecture.
5.69 Definition
(a) M is decisive on f just in case, for all l, m, 0119-012.gif with l < m < n and 0119-013.gif, we have 0119-014.gif.
(b) M is decisive on Image-1303.gif just in case M is decisive on each 0119-015.gif.
(c) M is decisive just in case M is decisive on Image-1304.gif.
(d) 0119-016.gif
(e) 0119-017.gif
We shall now see that scientists can adopt a decisive strategy without loss of inductive competence.
5.70 Proposition (Schäfer-Richter [167]) [Ex]decisive = [Ex]class-decisive = Ex.
Proof: Clearly, 0119-018.gif. We show that 0119-019.gif

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