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Suppose scientist M is given. We describe a scientist M' such that 0120-001.gif and M' is decisive. Let 0120-002.gif be a recursive function that satisfies the following equation.
For each M and each 0120-004.gif, define
Now let M' be a scientist such that, for all 0120-006.gif, M'( s ) = h(M( s [m]),  s [m]), where m = convpoint(M,  s ). We claim that 0120-007.gif and M' is decisive.
Note that if 0120-008.gif, then M'(f) converges to h(i, f[m]), where i = M(f) and m is the convergence point for M on f. Moreover,  j h(i,f[m]) =  j i. Thus 0120-009.gif.
To see that M' is decisive, suppose f and l < m < n are given such that 0120-010.gif. Let n' = convpoint(M,f[n]) and l' = convpoint(M,f[l]). Clearly, 0120-011.gif and 0120-012.gif. Now M'(f[n]) = h(M(f[n']), f[n']) and thus 0120-013.gif (by construction of h). However, M'(f[l]) = h(M(f[l']), f[l']). Thus, 0120-014.gif, since, in the construction of h(M(f[l']), f[l']), either a mind change would be observed before input m or  s M'(f[l']) is convergently different from f[m]. Therefore, M' is decisive.
§5.7 Bibliographic Notes
The question of consistency has been independently considered by Barzdins * [13] and by Blum and Blum [18] in the context of functions. The reader can find additional material on consistent strategies in Wiehagen and Liepe [202], Jantke and Beick [100], Zeugmann [206], and Fulk [70]. Consistency in the context of languages has been addressed by Angluin [6]. Wiehagen and Zeugmann [203] present an interesting perspective on the power of inconsistent strategies in the context of more practical domains.
The notion of set-driven scientists was introduced by Wexler and Culicover [194]. Schäfer-Richter [167], and later Fulk [69], independently established that set-drivenness is a restriction on computable scientists. The notion of rearrangement-independence was introduced as a weakening of set-drivenness by Schäfer-Richter [167] and by Fulk [69].

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