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Page 156
Begin ( Stage s )
Search for the least Image-1601.gif such that
(a) 0156-001.gif and
(b) 0156-002.gif
If such a Image-1602.gif is ever found, set
 s s+1 to Image-1603.gif.
End ( Stage s )
One of two things happen with this construction. Either (Case 1) it progresses through all the stages, or (Case 2) it progresses only up to some stage so because the search for Image-1604.gif in that stage never terminates. The f we exhibit depends on which case holds.
Case 1: We have, for each s, that  s s+1 is defined and, by clause (a) in the search, that 0156-003.gif and 0156-004.gif. Hence, 0156-005.gif is a total recursive function which we call f. Since clause (b) in the search is satisfied for each s, we also have 0156-006.gif. Hence, 0156-007.gif, as required.
Case 2: Let 0156-008.gif. By Proposition 7.5 there is a recursiVe f such that f 0156-009.gif and 0156-010.gif. But, by this case M(f) = p0. Hence, 0156-011.gif , as required.
7.9 Lemma Suppose q and r are rationals with 0156-012.gif Then 0156-013.gif.
Proof: Let m and 0156-014.gif be such that r = m/n. Let 0156-015.gif. B is thus a recursive set with den(B) = r and 0156-016.gif. Let 0156-017.gif for each 0156-018.gif. Clearly, 0156-019.gif
Suppose by way of contradiction that, for some M, 0156-020.gif. For each 0156-021.gif, let 0156-022.gif. Thus, for all 0156-023.gif, 0156-024.gif; hence, 0156-025.gif. Let M' be such that, for all f, M'(f) = M(f'). We show that 0156-026.gif, contradicting Lemma 7.8.
Fix an arbitrary recursive f and let p = M(f') (= M'(f)) and 0156-027.gif. Since 0156-028.gif we have 0156-029.gif. Without loss of generality we assume that 0156-030.gif. Claim: 0156-031.gif. (See Exercise 7-5 for the proof.) Since 0156-032.gif, we have that 0156-033.gif 0156-034.gif. Hence, 0156-035.gif. Since f was arbitrary, we have that 0156-036.gif, a contradiction.
Proof (of Proposition 7.7): Fix reals a and b such that 0156-037.gif. Since the rationals are dense in the reals (Dudley [56], Rudin [162]), there are rationals q and r

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