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Page 157
such that a < q < r < b. Since 0157-001.gif,0157-002.gif and, by Lemma 7.9, 0157-003.gif, the proposition follows.
The next two propositions establish the relations between the Aex and the Bc hierarchies.
7.10 Proposition 0157-004.gif.
For the proof, see Exercise 7-8.
7.11 Corollary 0157-005.gif.
7.12 Proposition 0157-006.gif.
Proof: Let 0157-007.gif. The proof of Proposition 6.10 showed that 0157-008.gif. Here we modify that proof to show that 0157-009.gif.
Choose arbitrary M and 0157-010.gif. By the operator recursion theorem (Theorem 2.6) there is a one-one, recursive function p such that the behavior of programs with indexes p(0), p(1), p(2), . . . is described in stages below. We arrange things so that one  j p(0),  j p(1),  j p(2), . . . witnesses the failure of M to Aexa-identify S.
The  j p(i)'s are defined in stages s = 0, 1, 2, . . . . For each i and s, 0157-011.gif denotes the finite segment of  j p(i) defined before stage s. We take 0157-012.gif. Let k be an integer such that k. (1 - a) > 1. For each s, let xs denote the least number not in the domain of 0157-013.gif, let qs = M( j p(0) [xs]), and let Is = [sk + 1, sk+ k].
Begin ( Stage s )
For each 0157-014.gif and each x < x
s, make 0157-015.gif.
For x = x
s, xs + 1, xs + 2, . . . in turn, define 0157-016.gif for each 0157-017.gif until, if ever, an x is discovered such that 0157-018.gif for some 0157-019.gif.
If such an x is discovered, then let i be the least element of I
s such that 0157-020.gif. Set 0157-021.gif and from now on make  j p(i) follow  j p(0) so that p(i) is an index for  j p(0)
End ( Stage s )
We consider the following two cases.
Case 1: All stages terminate. By the construction, the range of  j p(0) contains only indexes for  j p(0), hence 0157-022.gif. However, M on  j p(0) makes infinitely many mind changes.

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