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Case 2: Some stage s starts but fails to terminate. For each 0158-001.gif we have by the construction that 0158-002.gif and is total; hence 0158-003.gif. Note that 0158-004.gif for each 0158-005.gif. We show that M fails to Aexa-identify at least one of these  j p(i)For each 0158-006.gif, let 0158-007.gif. Clearly, the Ai's are disjoint. Hence, by Lemma 7.2(a), 0158-008.gif, which is 0158-009.gif. Now, if it were the case that 0158-010.gif, then we would have 0158-011.gif for each 0158-012.gif; but then 0158-013.gif, a contradiction. Therefore, for at least one 0158-014.gif, 0158-015.gif.
From the above cases it follows that 0158-016.gif.
The Aex criteria is thus seen to be a hierarchy that sits above the Exa criteria and which is incomparable to the Bca hierarchy, except for the obvious degenerative case of Bc* = Aex1.
We conclude this section by brief consideration of the text analogs of the Aex criteria.
7.13 Definition Suppose 0158-017.gif. We say that M TxtAexa-identifies L (written: 0158-018.gif) if and only if, for each text T for L, 0158-019.gif and 0158-020.gif. Define "M TxtAexa-identifies S" and "TxtAexa" in the usual way.
The results for the Aex criteria all carry over to this new setting. For example, we have:
7.14 Proposition If 0158-021.gif, then 0158-022.gif.
In proving these results one cannot employ the trick of Section 6.2 used to convert Ex-based results to analogous TxtEx-based results. The difficulty is that the conversion 0158-023.gif plays havoc with densities. On the other hand, Lemma 7.3—the foundation for the arguments of this section—works equally well in the text setting. Hence, one can fairly directly translate Aex arguments to TxtAex arguments. Exercise 7-9 illustrates this method by working through a proof of Proposition 7.14. Since these translations are all straightforward, we leave TxtAex versions of the other results of this section as exercises for the reader.
§7.4 Uniform Approximate Explanatory Identification
The Aex criterion allows infinite many errors provided that the density of these errors is suitably bounded. Notice, however, that Aex permits approximations that —although

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