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globally good — are locally terrible. As an example, let 0159-001.gif. Clearly, den(C) = 1 and, if p and f are such that 0159-002.gif, then aa( j p, f) = 1. Thus the asymptotic agreement between  j p and f is as good as possible, but 0159-003.gif contains arbitrarily large gaps. The following definition addresses this defect in Aex by introducing a stricter notion of density.
7.15 Definition
(a) The uniform density of A in intervals of 0159-004.gif (written: udenm (A)) is 0159-005.gif.
(b) The uniform density of A (written: uden(A)) is 0159-006.gifudm(A).1
(c) The asymptotic uniform agreement between A and B (written: aua(A, B)) is 0159-007.gif. The asymptotic uniform agreement between  a  and  b  (written: aua( a ,  b )) is 0159-008.gif.
(d) The asymptotic uniform disagreement between A and B (written: aud(A, B)) is 1 -aua(A, B). The asymptotic uniform disagreement between  a  and  b  (written: aud( a ,  b )) is 1 - aua( a ,  b ).
So, if 0159-009.gif, then for each 0159-010.gif there is an 0159-011.gif such that for every interval I of length at least 0159-012.gif, 0159-013.gif. In particular, if C is as above, then for each m, udm(C) = 0; hence uden(C) = 0.
7.16 Definition Suppose a is a real in 0159-014.gif.
(a) An M Uexa-identifies f (written: 0159-015.gif) if and only if 0159-016.gif and 0159-017.gif.
(b) 0159-018.gif.
For example, if M Uex0-identifies f with p = M(f), then
thus p is a uniformly good approximation to f. The relationship of the Uex criteria to the Ex, Bc, and Aex criteria is easy to establish.
1Note that for each A and m, 0159-020.gif, and hence by elementary real analysis, the limit 0159-021.gif udm(A) always exists.

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