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Page 160
7.17 Proposition Suppose a and b are reals in 0160-001.gif.
(a) 0160-002.gif.
(b) 0160-003.gif.
(c) 0160-004.gif.
(d) 0160-005.gif.
(e) 0160-006.gif.
(f) 0160-007.gif.
(g) 0160-008.gif.
Proof: For parts (a) through (d) adapt the proofs of the analogous results in the previous section.
For part (e), first let 0160-009.gif and 0160-010.gif. It is straightforward that 0160-011.gif but that, for each 0160-012.gif, 0160-013.gif.
Part (f) follows from part (e).
To show part (g), first fix rationals q and r with 0160-014.gif and let Image-1701.gif be as in Lemma 7.9. Clearly, 0160-015.gif. By the argument of Lemma 7.9, 0160-016.gif. Therefore, 0160-017.gif, and thus part (g) follows by the density of the rationals in the reals.
Thus, as might have been expected, the Uex hierarchy turns out to be a stricter version of the Aex hierarchy. The formulation of the text version of the Uex criteria and the proof of the analog of Proposition 7.17 are both straightforward and left to the reader.
Uex is an improvement over Aex, but it fails to capture every aspect of uniform density. Consider the following example. For each 0160-018.gif, let
let gk be the characteristic function of 0160-020.gif, let z =  l x.0, and, finally, let M be such that on every input, M produces some fixed index for z. Clearly, for each k, ud(Ck) = 1 and aud(z, gk) = 0. Hence, M Uex0-identifies every element of 0160-021.gif. But, for each k0, for all but finitely many k, the set 0160-022.gif contains intervals of length k0 or greater. Thus M fails to give uniformly good approximations across the class 0160-023.gif. The Huex (for homogeneous uniform approximate explanatory identification) criteria, developed in the next definition, address this problem.

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