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which case M(x, T) is defined to be this i. If no such i exists, then M(x, T) is said to be undefined.
The following two definitions state the text analogs of the Bex and UniBex paradigms.
10.18 Definition Let a, 0232-001.gif.
(a) M TxtBexa,c-identifies L (written: 0232-002.gif) just in case, for all 0232-003.gif, there is an i with Wi =a L such that, for each text T for L, we have 0232-004.gif.
(b) 0232-005.gif.
10.19 Definition Let a, 0232-006.gif.
(a) M TxtUniBexa,c-identifies L (written: 0232-007.gif) just in case there is an i with Wi =a L such that, for each 0232-008.gif and each text T for L, we have 0232-009.gif.
(b) 0232-010.gif.
Thus, M TxtBexa,c-identifies L just in case M, fed a text for L and an upper bound on MinGramc(L), converges to a grammar that accepts L with at most a errors. As in the case of functions, the reader should note that in the TxtBexa,c paradigms, the scientist may converge to different grammars for different upper bounds.
Using the technique demonstrated in Chapter 6 (see, for example, the proof of Proposition 6.19), it is easy to see that the diagonalization results about Bex-identification and UniBex-identification yield analogous results for TxtBex-identification and TxtUniBex-identification. For example, the following result immediately follows from Proposition 10.5.
10.20 Proposition For each 0232-011.gif, 0232-012.gif.
10.21 Corollary For each 0232-013.gif, 0232-014.gif 0232-015.gif.
The corollary says that by keeping the number of errors in the additional information fixed, larger collections of languages can be TxtUniBex-identified by increasing

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