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10.16 Corollary For all 0231-001.gif and all 0231-002.gif, 0231-003.gif.
Thus, if the bound on the number of errors allowed in both the additional information and the final program are fixed, then requiring a scientist to converge to the same program for any upper bound is restrictive.
Proof (of Proposition 10.15): Let 0231-004.gif.
Fix an 0231-005.gif and an 0231-006.gif. Since 0231-007.gif, given f and x, one can infer in the limit a program p such that  j p =c f. For each y, let wy be the unique number such that 0231-008.gif. (The uniqueness of wy follows from the definition of Image-2401.gif and the fact that  j p =c f.) Let modify(p) be a program obtained from p such that, for all y and z, 0231-009.gif, where wy is as defined above. It follows immediately that modify(p) is a program for f.
It thus follows that 0231-010.gif.
Suppose 0231-011.gif. Then it is easy to modify M to 0231-012.gif. But as 0231-013.gif (see the remark in Exercise 10-7), this is a contradiction. Hence, 0231-014.gif.
It is open at present whether Proposition 10.15 can be extended to show 0231-015.gif. Similar notions of additional information for the Bc paradigm are treated in the exercises.
§10.2.2 Language Identification with an Upper Bound on Grammar Size
Additional information for a language-learning scientist can be modeled as an upper bound on the minimal index grammar for the language to be learned. We view scientists that learn languages in the presence of such additional information as computing a mapping 0231-016.gif. Our treatment of languages is thus analogous to that of functions. For this reason we highlight only basic definitions and results that turn out differently from the functional context.
For each 0231-017.gif and language L, MinGramc(L) denotes the minimal grammar in the  j -system that accepts L with at most c errors. That is, 0231-018.gif.
10.17 Definition  0231-019.gif (read: M on text T with additional information x converges) just in case there is an i such that for all but finitely many n, M(x, T[n]) = i, in

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