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the bound on the number of errors in the final inferred grammar. (We note that Corollary 10.21 may be directly argued from Corollary 10.6.)
One might attempt to use Corollary 10.10 in a similar fashion in order to obtain an analogous hierarchy result about TxtBex-identification. However, this strategy yields only the partial hierarchy:
for all 0233-001.gif, 0233-002.gif.
Corollary 10.10 provides no information about whether TxtBexc,c = TxtBexc+1,c or 0233-003.gif. This is because only diagonalization results can be translated from functions to languages. To obtain the full hierarchy we establish the following proposition which says that there is a collection of languages such that, for each member language L, an (a + 1)-error grammar can be identified, but an a-error grammar cannot always be TxtBex-identified even if the scientist is given the best possible additional information—an upper bound on MinGram0(L).
10.22 Proposition Suppose 0233-004.gif. Then, 0233-005.gif.
Proof: Let 0233-006.gif, which is clearly in TxtExa+1. Suppose by way of contradiction that some scientist 0233-007.gif. Then, by Kleene's recursion theorem (Theorem 2.3), there exists a grammar e informally described in stages below.
Let iN be a grammar for N. Let 0233-008.gif denote the finite subset of We enumerated before stage s. Let 0233-009.gif and w = max ({ e, iN }). Go to stage 0.
Begin ( Stage s )
Step 1.
Search for a
 s  extending  s s until at least one of
Condition 1A. 0233-010.gif.
Condition 1B. A set 0233-011.gif of cardinality a + 1 is found.
If Condition 1A held, go to Step 2, otherwise go to Step 3.
Step 2. (The mind change case.)
Set m = max(content(
 s )) + 1.
Enumerate all of { 0, . . . , m} into W
 s s + 1 be an extension of  s  with content( s s + 1) = { 0, . . . , m }..
Go to stage s + 1.
Step 3. (A suitable D was found in Condition 1B.)

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