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Page 234
Set 0234-001.gif.
Enumerate all of ({0, . . . , m} - D) into W
 s ' be an extension of  s s such that content( s ') = ({ 0, . . . , m } - D).
Set m = m + 1.
Enumerate m into W
Set 0234-002.gif.
until 0234-003.gif.
Enumerate all of D into W
 s s + 1 be an extension of  s ' with content( s s + 1) = [We enumerated until now].
Go to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s )
Now consider the following cases:
Case 1: Infinitely many stages halt. In this case, let 0234-004.gif. But, M on text 0234-005.gif for L with additional information w = max({ e, iN }) fails to converge.
Case 2: Some stage, s, begins but does not halt.
Subcase 2a: The construction never leaves Step 1 in stage s. In this case, let 0234-006.gif. Note that M on all extensions of  s s converges to M(w,  s s), and 0234-007.gif is finite. Thus, M fails to TxtBexa,0-identify N.
Subcase 2b: The construction enters, but never leaves Step 3 in stage s. In this case, let 0234-008.gif. M on a text for L converges to M(w,  s s). But, 0234-009.gif. Thus, 0234-010.gif is not an a-variant of L.
From the above cases, it follows that M fails to 0234-011.gif.
The above result has the following corollary that summarizes the advantages of allowing extra errors in the final converged grammar for TxtBex-identification.
10.23 CorollaryFor each 0234-012.gif, we have 0234-013.gif 0234-014.gif.
The advantage of a better quality of additional information, for both TxtBex-identification and TxtUniBex-identification, is summarized in Corollaries 10.25 and 10.26. These corollaries follow from the next proposition, whose proof is left to Exercise 10-9.
10.24 Proposition For each 0234-015.gif, 0234-016.gif.

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